KIDIBOT motivates your kids to:

Kidibot is an awarded PROFESSIONAL educational platform, that kids perceive it as a funny online game to play with their peers.

Here, they win points by answering quizzes, proving they’ve read books or solving math exercises. Or solving IQ, EQ or science problems.

With those points they help their team fight against CROCOBETS (nasty aliens that want to conquer Earth).


“It’s the best motivator! A real IQ booster.”

  • What is KIDIBOT?
  • How does it work?
  • Why does it work?
  • Who is KIDIBOT character?
  • The aliens
  • The story line
  • Benefits
  • What do the parents and the teachers say about KIDIBOT?
  • Create an account now!

What is KIDIBOT?

KIDIBOT is an awarded educational platform for kids, parents and teachers. It’s composed of the website, iOS and Android mobile apps.

How does it work?

Kids receive points, badges and fame by solving several types of quizzes:

Kids demonstrate they’ve read books and they’re earning points if they do.

They’ll solve specially created math problems, from easy to very challenging.

We have also science, IQ, EQ and other types of quizzes, specially designed to help your kid become smarter and more motivated.
Each month we add new quizzes, so your kid and his/her team never get bored!

Basically, it’s an innovative knowledge game for kids, where they collaborate with their classmates to win points and save the planet.

This way they help their team to fight against the CROCOBETS, the nasty aliens who want to conquer the Earth.

There are rankings: global, class, school and town rankings. Also, kids win collectable badges…

The quizzes are created from books usually recommended by teachers, plus some of the best selling books on the market. Also we have great STEM quizzes. Each month we add new ones, so your kid will never stop playing this awesome game of knowledge!

Why does it work?


For example, if 2+ kids from a class join KIDIBOT, they will form a team with a common goal. They will cooperate and motivate themselves to read more/do more math, so they can win more points and more battles with other competitors and with the CROCOBETS.

If somebody is lacking behind, the positive social pressure will make him/her to work more, read more, do more math. If somebody from your peers says “I’ve read 6 books, you only read 3”, now that’s a strong motivator to read more yourself.

Kids win points by answering quizzes: proving they read various books, solving math problems, doing IQ/EQ tests or science quizzes.

This way, they win points in the game, fame, respect and self-esteem.

By answering quizzes, they help their team evolve.

KIDIBOT enhances teamwork.

A positive social pressure is created.

Reading/Math/Science/IQ/EQ become cool.

What Should You Do:

Tell your kids to register for a KIDIBOT account on KIDIBOT app on phone/tablet/website.
Tell kids to complete the quizzes to help their class to save the planet.

If you have questions, you may contact us directly here.

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