Based on your activity on KIDIBOT, you’ll receive several types of diplomas and certificates on your public profile.
Do you want to download them?
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Kidibot Gold Heroes already have this feature enabled. Click here to become a Kidibot Gold Hero.
Why it’s important for your kids to have these Certifications/Diplomas?
- They are really useful for future colleges & universities. You’ll be able to prove their interest in education, being proactive, being a volunteer;
- Extra motivation to read, to learn and to do good deeds;
- They help them to create good habits. For example, at the “Reading Certificates, if they don’t prove in 30 days that they’ve read a new book, they’ll lose the points won since the last Certificate.
Here are some of the Certificates & Diplomas kids can get on Kidibot:
Reading Certificates
When you prove you read 25/50/100/250/500 books, you get these Certificates!
Volunteer Diploma
Social Involvement Diploma
Community Pillar/Local Hero Certificate
When you’ll prove us that you did 5 different good deeds, to inspire your peers
Science Certificate
When you solve 10/25/50/100/250/500 science quizzes.
Math Certificates