Kidibot FAQ

Can we read those books on KIDIBOT website/app?

No, even if we’d like to. Would be a nightmare handling the copyright issues. However you may buy or rent those books. Also, you can just solve math quizzes or other type of quizzes

I’m a parent. How do I connect my kids to my account?

The “kids” users that set the “Parent Email” your email are automated connected to your account.

At what readings you create quizzes?

We’ve spoke with teachers countrywide. They gave us a list and we continue to add more quizzes periodically. Also, each kid can add his/her own quizzes

My kid read a book, but we could not find the respective quiz on KIDIBOT.

Although we have a lot of quizzes on the site, we are aware that is not enough. Just tell us. Or you can create the quiz by yourself. We will mention you as a thank you note in that quiz.

How does it work?

Your kid reads a book.
He/she enters on KIDIBOT and answers to the respective quiz. There are simple questions with 3 or 4 possible responses, only one is correct.
For each correct answer, he gets a point. If he answer minimum 70% correct, then we have the proof that he read that book and he will gets bonus points. Also, at the kid’s profile, that book appears as READ, so he can brag about it!
Also, we have other types of quizzes

How do you motivate kids to read?

Through positive social pressure. If they will see that other kids reads, that are appreciated because of this, that they earned fame, than they will also want in. KIDIBOT is designed to provide long term fuel as reading motivation.

I have a suggestion/question. Where do I find you?


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