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Class/Year: VII
Kidibots: 0K (Kidiboti) accumulated
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Virtual Kidibots: 0vK (vKidibots) accumulated
Score: 3,673
Created quizzes: 0
Solved created quizzes: 0
Number of recruits: 0
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Kids helped to learned 0
Added 0 quizzes
224 place in class
213 place in school
213 place in town
211 place in country
Won diplomas: 0
Kids helped to learned 0
Added 0 quizzes
162 place in class
150 place in school
150 place in town
162 place in country
Won diplomas: 0
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Created quizzes
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Solved quizzes
Disney quiz
Are u going to heaven after you die? Quiz
Math Test Adding Similar Numbers
Pokemon Quiz
About the NBA
Easy English - flowers
Brown Bear, brown Bear, What do you see?
Present Simple - [3]
Nadia Comaneci: Awesome Gymnast! What do you know?
Do you know how to spell these words?
I like English
Reptiles quiz
Fill in with ordinal numbers
English-Synonyms, Antonyms, Apostrophes, Suffix!
Test your knowledge in case of a need for first AID
Statement and Conclusion (Give the conclusion bested on the given statement.)
Harry Potter and The sorcerer's stone quiz