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Cateva notiuni pentru cunoasterea si prevenirea infestarii cu coronavirus ! Daca nu veti sti toate raspunsurile, macar invatati din raspunsurile corecte:). Mult succes!!

Scalambaici throw with hypnotic small to make you not like reading and learning. Hold your breath for 2 seconds and defeat her in this fight!

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Examples of questions from "CORONAVIRUS – COVID-19"

  • Transmiterea Covid_19 poate fi limitata prin:
  • Cat timp trebuie sa stea o persoana in carantina(izolata la domiciliu) care a calatorit si vine dintr_o zona de focar Covid-19?
  • La ce data a declarat Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii drept pandemie de coronavirus Covid-19 in intreaga lume?

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