Ce stiu Cum stiu Fac ce stiu

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52 successes

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In continuare, vom aborda intrebari cheie pentru teste de inteligenta la copii mici. Fiind dificile, la acestea se pierd puncte cel mai frecvent.

For sure you did not expect at this. Taka wants to launch a discount virus. The humans will go crazy and they will spend all the money thay have on stupid things. Dizaster! Only you can save the situation.

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Examples of questions from "Ce stiu Cum stiu Fac ce stiu"

  • Unele luni au 31 zile, altele au 30 zile. Cate luni au 28 zile?
  • Care este continuarea logica a sirului de numere? 1,3,9,27,....
  • Daca 4 prieteni se intalnesc si dau mana fiecare cu fiecare cate o singura data, cate strangeri de maini sunt?

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