Finding Antonyms

8 bonus points
8 successes

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. They also are called opposites. The opposite of antonym is synonym. Hot and cold […]

Brown Bear, brown Bear, What do you see?

7 bonus points
11 successes

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” is a book. Read it.

Plural Nouns

5 bonus points
5 successes

This quiz is meant to exercise the plural of English nouns. It contains regular nouns as well as irregular nouns.

What is another word for “……”?

12 bonus points
5 successes

Do you love words? Test your knowledge and learn some interesting things along the way! Choose the right synonym from […]

Healthy food

6 bonus points
10 successes

You need to choose healthy foods, such as: cabbage, apple, etc. Good luck!

Present Simple – [3]

27 bonus points
11 successes

Use Present Simple to talk about: habitual something that is true in the present; something that happens regularly in the […]

Fill in using will or won’t

27 bonus points
11 successes

Fill in the gaps using “will” or “won’t” and the appropriate verb. Remember we use “will” for the affirmative and […]

Who, what, where, how, why or when

26 bonus points
7 successes

Fill in with the suitable word. Use who, what, where, how, why or when.

Fruits – [6]

26 bonus points
6 successes

Can you identify correctly all of these fruits? I hope you will enjoy this easy quiz!

Parts of the body

26 bonus points
6 successes

Do you know the parts of the body? I hope you will enjoy this easy quis!

The difference between the homophones to, two, and too

13 bonus points
11 successes

Find the difference between to, two, and too. Choose the correct answer from the list of choices. Good luck!

Which one is it: to, too or two?

13 bonus points
4 successes

In this quiz you’ll have to choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “to”, “too” or “two”. Use to […]

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