Finding Synonyms
8 bonus points
4 successes
Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word. They can be lifesavers when you […]
The Days of the Week – III
7 bonus points
10 successes
You already know so many things about the days of the week. But did you know that the days of […]
The difference between the homophones to, two, and too
13 bonus points
11 successes
Find the difference between to, two, and too. Choose the correct answer from the list of choices. Good luck!
Maths quiz for 5th grade children (UK english version)
18 bonus points
7 successes
This is a cool quiz for 5th grade children, if they are Olympics at maths!
How many colors do you know?
12 bonus points
12 successes
Many colours I know, Many colours I love, Many colours are painted, In the rainbow above.
Do you know the past form at the verbs
15 bonus points
5 successes
In this quiz you need to answer at some questions with the past at the verbs. Good luck.