Mathematics for smart kids
5 bonus points
8 successes
In this quiz, I did some simple math exercises for smart kids
Healthy food
6 bonus points
10 successes
You need to choose healthy foods, such as: cabbage, apple, etc. Good luck!
How do you know English?
6 bonus points
6 successes
English time. If you will chose the correct sentence, you will get some points. Thanks for answering to my test.
How well do you know the Republic of Moldova?
15 bonus points
28 successes
Here you will answer questions based on the Republic of Moldova.
Are You My Mother?
15 bonus points
6 successes
A baby bird goes in search of his mother in this hilarious Board Book adapation of P.D. Eastman’s classic story, […]
Mathematics and environmental exploration
5 bonus points
5 successes
4th grade math quiz! 🙂
Math 1st Grade – Count from 1 to 100
1 bonus points
6 successes
This is a great startup math quiz for a 1st grade student. Let’s see if you know to count from […]