Animale – [50]
Testeaza-ti cunostintele la engleza si exerseaza denumirile de animale 🙂
Die Religion
Religion ist ein Sammelbegriff für eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Weltanschauungen, deren Grundlage der jeweilige Glaube an bestimmte transzendente (überirdische, übernatürliche, übersinnliche) […]
Hook’s Revenge
Fresh off a fearsome encounter with the Neverland crocodile, Jocelyn Hook decides the most practical plan is to hunt down […]
How many colors do you know?
Many colours I know, Many colours I love, Many colours are painted, In the rainbow above.
Bunicuța hoțomană, David Walliams (Editura Arthur)
„Bunicuța hoțomană” de David Walliams, traducere din limba engleză de Lavinia Braniște, Editura Arthur, categorie de vârstă 7 – 12 […]
Tactile Sensations Quiz
Here is a quiz about tactile sensations. Let’s you if you can answer correctly! 🙂
Harry Potter – [96]
In this quiz are 10 questions about the characters in the Harry Potter series. Good luck! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………