Finding Synonyms
8 bonus points
4 successes
Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word. They can be lifesavers when you […]
Billie Eilish
9 bonus points
8 successes
This is a quiz about Billie Eilish’s fans. Hope you’ll like it.
The Days of the Week – II
7 bonus points
9 successes
How many days are there in a week? Which are those? I am sure you know all the answers. Good […]
The names of vegetables
5 bonus points
5 successes
In this quiz you will have to guess what the vegetable is about, knowing only its description.
Smart English
1 bonus points
17 successes
în acest quiz cu o întrebare vei avea un cuvânt în engleză.
Băiatul cu rochie – [4]
9 bonus points
63 successes
O carte care ne învață că oricine poate fii orice își dorește!