Unitati de masura vesele -2

12 bonus points
53 successes

Stiti ca unitatile de masura pot fi vesele? Da, daca voi rezolvati exercitiile cu veselie!

Uhubau invented a huge vacuum cleaner for the kids brains that are not so mentally strong. It vacuums all the learnings. Can you resist?

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Examples of questions from "Unitati de masura vesele -2"

  • Transformati in luni 2 ani si 8 luni
  • Daca plec spre bunica la ora 8.30, pe drum fac o ora si jumatate si ma opresc sa-i fac cateva cumparaturi pentru 30 minute, apoi mai merg pana la casa ei inca 10 minute, la ce ora ajung?
  • O saptamana si 6 zile inseamna.....

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