Understanding the process

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Quiz Author: BrainyCat2


A quiz to practice taking quizzes in math.

Two Bruises conceived a plan to paralyze all education in the country. They will throw with giant space rocks towards all the schools. It will be a disaster. Victimes, chaos. You have to stop them. Good luck!

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Examples of questions from "Understanding the process"

  • If Sam has two dollars and fifty cents in his pocket. How much money will he still need in order to buy a cat food at $7.25?
  • Which answer correctly shows the expanded form of 789,008,214?
  • Once upon a time little Red hood had to walk to Grandma's house. This was fine but she need to be there before dark and wasn't sure she would make it. Especially since she need to go home first to grab her freshly baked cookies and she was still playing at the park. Here is what we know. It gets dark at 7pm. The time was 6pm now and it takes 30mins to get to Grandma's house from home. The park was half way between grandma's house. How much time would it take to get to Grandma and would little Red Hood get there before dark.

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