Test IQ – [16]

7 bonus points
64 successes

Cateva intrebari simple cu raspunsuri complicate.
La finalul acestui test veti afla ce IQ aveti.
FrantuzoaicaActiva9 va doreste succes !

What a disaster! Taka wants to lead a Crocobets team to attack your school. Take him down!

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Examples of questions from "Test IQ – [16]"

  • Narcisa,Margareta,Violeta stau in gradina si asteapta ploaia. Colegele lor merg la scoala. De ce nu merg si celelalte fete la scoala?
  • Toata vara Elena nu a citt nimic. Cu toate acestea a luat 10 la povestire. Cum a reusit?
  • Ce inaltime are cerul?

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