Account created (10%)
Profile picture (2%)
Profile description (2%)
Active last week (5%)
Recruiter (10%)
Mission accomplished (5%)
Child GOLD HERO (20%)
Have at least one team mate (10%)
25 books read (15%)
Does your parent has KIDIBOT account? (10%)
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Class/Year: Pregătitoare
Kidibots: 0K (Kidiboti) accumulated
Walled public address:
Virtual Kidibots: 0vK (vKidibots) accumulated
Score: 1
Created quizzes: 0
Solved created quizzes: 0
Number of recruits: 0
(Copy your recruiting link and tell your friends to create Kidibot accounts, by clicking on it.) copied copied copied
Kids helped to learned 0
Added 0 quizzes
579 place in class
579 place in school
579 place in town
579 place in country
Won diplomas: 0
Kids helped to learned 0
Added 0 quizzes
580 place in class
580 place in school
580 place in town
580 place in country
Won diplomas: 0
Reading Ranking
- Current month ranking copied
- Last month class ranking copied
Your school was not challenged by anybody yet
This Kidibot is not yet kidisponsored by anybody. :(
Won certificates and diplomas
For the moment, you do not have any Reader Certificate, Volunteer Diploma or Social Involvement Diploma or Course.
Community list
You haven't joined any community yet! Create here a new community or choose from an existing one.
Missions accomplished
You did not solved any missions yet! Click here to see missions you can solve.
Good Deeds
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Created quizzes
Solved quizzes
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Give them your Recruiter Link so they create they account through it and win points and prizes copied
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