Printesele din Ponilandia – secretul special

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66 successes

De ziua recoltei, Pippa are doua
misiuni de indeplinit: sa ajute familia
regala a poneilor la stransul recoltei
si sa gaseasca potcoavele fermecate.
Insa Iepele Noptii ii dau iarasi de furca.
Va reusi Pippa sa faca fata unei noi
incercari in insula Ponilandia?

Chicky Briki conceived a plan to paralyze all education in the country. They will throw with giant space rocks towards all the schools. It will be a disaster. Victimes, chaos. You have to stop them. Good luck!

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Examples of questions from "Printesele din Ponilandia – secretul special"

  • Ce culoare aveau panglicile din coama lui Praf-de-Stele?
  • Cine radea de Praf-de-Stele si de Pippa?
  • Cum le poreclea Jad pe Pippa si pe Praf-de-Stele?

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