Artemis Fowl (vol 1)

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9 successes

Twelve-year-old villain, Artemis Fowl, is the most ingenious criminal mastermind in history. His bold and daring plan is to hold a leprechaun to ransom. But he’s taking on more than he bargained for when he kidnaps Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon (Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance Unit). For a start, leprechaun technology is more advanced than our own. Add to that the fact that Holly is a true heroine and that her senior officer Commander Root will stop at nothing to get her back and you’ve got the mother of all sieges brewing!

Darknetizen invented a huge vacuum cleaner for the kids brains that are not so mentally strong. It vacuums all the learnings. Can you resist?

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Examples of questions from "Artemis Fowl (vol 1)"

  • In what country does Artemis find the Book?
  • Into what country does a troll escape and terrorize a restaurant?
  • What does LEP stand for?

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