Animalute si Matematica

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58 successes

Un test in care trebuie sa tii cont de numere diferite de pasari, animale, oua si nu numai.

The Crazy Squirrel conceived a plan to paralyze all education in the country. They will throw with giant space rocks towards all the schools. It will be a disaster. Victimes, chaos. You have to stop them. Good luck!

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Examples of questions from "Animalute si Matematica"

  • O vaca a dat 6 litri de lapte iar celelalte doua vaci cu cate 2 litri mai putin. Cati litri de lapte au dat impreuna cele 3 vaci?
  • Un negustor avea de vanzare 5 kg de pene de rata si 5 kg de cartofi. Cu cat erau mai grei cartofii fata de penele de rata?
  • De Sarbatorile Pascale o gospodina a vopsit 15 oua rosii, 7 oua verzi si 12 oua galbene. Cate oua a vopsit gospodina in afara celor verzi?

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