Probleme distractive

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Terminam clasa I asa ca e momentul sa ne si distram….rezolvand cateva probleme. Vreti?

Pinkbrain loves bacterias. He created a weird bacteria that makes kids not to want to go outside to play with their friends. Fight now to destroy the bacteria attack!

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  • Luni am inceput sa rezolv niste probleme. Daca a doua zi am rezolvat 9 probleme, a treia 7 probleme si in total in cele trei zile am rezolvat 25 probleme, cate probleme am rezolvat luni?
  • Dintr-un bidon de 25 litri plin cu lapte, fermierul a scos 5 litri si a facut branzica, apoi alti 12 litri si a facut o rotita de cascaval, iar restul de lapte l-a pus in sticle de 1 litru. Cate sticle i-au trebuit fermierului?

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